Frontend.FYI PRO One-time purchase, lifetime access

Frontend.FYI PRO is your go-to resource for premium frontend content — courses, code snippets, and exercises to sharpen your craft, your way.

€1,- / credit

Credit based

Only need specific content? No problem! Buy credits and unlock exactly what you need.

  • Buy recipes for 5 credits each.
  • Purchase courses for 250 credits each.

You can use the recipes in any project you want, commercially too. Just don't sell it, or upload it anywhere for free. Buying them supports me in making more recipes.

Buy credits

Only need specific content? No problem!
Buy credits and unlock exactly what you need.

€1,- per credit, with discounts for bulk purchases.

  • Buy recipes for 5 credits each.
  • Purchase courses for 250 credits each.
You can use the recipes in any project you want, commercially too. Just don't sell it, or upload it anywhere for free. Buying them supports me in making more recipes.


Lifetime plan

One-time payment, lifetime value. Get full access to all current and future content—no subscriptions, no limits.

Over 300 developers have already unlocked lifetime access.

Join PRO Today

What you get today

Get instant access to premium courses (with more on the way), buildable projects to sharpen your skills, and the Frontend.FYI Discord community to connect and learn with others.

Motion course

In this very first PRO course you'll Learn how to create smooth, interactive animations with Motion for React.

Frontend.FYI PRO

Course exercises

Our course exercises are designed to help you practice what you've learned. Just watching the videos is not enough. It's all about practicing what you've learned. All within the platform.

Frontend.FYI PRO

FeFYI Playgrounds

As a PRO member you will also get access to Frontend.FYI Playgrounds. Perfect to quickly spin up a small prototype or test out a new idea, and share it with others.

Frontend.FYI PRO

Discord Community

Connect with other developers in our private Discord community and get support from the community.

Frontend.FYI PRO

There's more coming to PRO

PRO is just getting started. More courses, buildable projects, and code recipes are on the way — practical, real-world content to help you level up.

Buy once, and everything new is yours, forever.

Master CSS

Master CSS

PRO is growing, and the CSS course is next! Take a Figma design and build it from start to finish.

Choose TailwindCSS or Vanilla CSS, and get hands-on experience crafting pixel-perfect results.

Build Real Projects

Build Real Projects

Never run out of ideas to build again!

Frontend.FYI Challenges offer small, real-world projects to build, complete with designs and acceptance criteria — just like working on a frontend team.

Showcase Your Work

Showcase Your Work

Your projects deserve the spotlight!

PRO members get a public profile page to share beautiful results and the code behind them. It's perfect for showcasing your work, or impressing potential employers or clients.

Polished UI Recipes

Polished UI Recipes

Recipes are ready-to-use components, crafted for PRO members.

Quickly add polished UI elements to your project or learn how they're built — ideal for sharpening your frontend skills.

Frequently asked questions